What's On in Arddleen

There are many regular classes and clubs that take place in Arddleen Village Hall

ZUMBA is usually on a monday but this class is not on until further notice

If you would like to hire the hall on a monday – contact our booking secretary on 01938 590223


Tuesday 6:30pm

Instructor: Rebecca Tonkinson

Telephone: 07880 625736

Email: wellspringspowys@gmail.com

Short Mat Bowls

Tuesday 7:45pm (in season)

Contact: Neil Hughes

Telephone: 01938 590061

Email: neil@hughes57.plus.com


Wednesday 4.30pm (term time)

Brown Owl: Clare Thomas

Telephone: 07415 246751

Email: clarethomas576@btinternet.com

Sequence Dancing

Wednesday 7:30pm

Contact: Kathleen Smith

Telephone: 01691 831678

Email: michael.smith51@mypostoffice.co.uk

Parent & Toddlers

Thursday 9-11am during term time

Snacks and refreshments with fellow parents

Contact: Giveny Mountford   Telephone: 07773 301239   Email: giveny24@gmail.co.uk

Children's Dance Classes

Thursday from 4:00pm

Elegance Dance School hosts lessons in Tap, Ballet & Freestyle for children from 3 years

Dance Instructor: Lydia Davies  Telephone: 07875 446330   Email: lydia_davies_23@hotmail.co.uk

Do you have an idea for a club in the Village Hall?

If you would like to hire the hall for a one off event or for a regular club or class

Contact our booking secretary on 01938 590223